Thursday, January 19, 2012


This was early morning on my way to use this excavator I stopped and took this shot.
Camera: Pentax K-5
Lens: Pentax DA*50-135
ISO 1600--1/200sec at f/4
One night as the sun sweeps across the sky it lit up the underside of the clouds and the rain it was dropping.
Camera: Pentax K-5
Lens: Pentax DA17-70
ISO 100--1/25sec at f/5.6
Throwing rocks with an excavator.
Camera: Pentax K-5
Lens: Pentax DA 17-70
ISO 100--1/60sec at f/4.5
This looks like the excavator is on fire but really its not. The old military truck on the right is fitted with a pressure washer that heats the water to near boiling. The mechanic (Larry) is cleaning the oil and greece off of the part of the engine that he is about to work on.
Camera: Pentax K-5
Lens: Pentax DA 17-70
 ISO 100--1/80sec at f/8
These excavators are pulling back a high wall that was unstable and it took 5 of them to do it. When i took this pic the clouds had just parted and spotlighted the excavators.
Camera: Pentax K-5
Lens: Pentax DA*50-135
ISO 100--1/640sec at f/4.5
This is called loading the hopper and is where you put the gold bearing dirt into the hopper to be processed as it moves through the rest of the wash plant. This was the first job that I had operating at the mine. The pile of dirt had under the hopper is from spilling. As the season progressed I ended up having to clean up those piles because the other operators spilled a lot and I was one of the only ones that could operate that close to the wash plant.
Camera: Sony NEX-3
Lens: Sony E16
ISO 200--1/200sec at f/9

Thursday, January 5, 2012

1st post

I'm going to start a photo blog and I am hoping to at least post once every three days... Well its a goal anyway. So here is the first post and photo.
Fly fishing in Alaska near the gold mine Elle and I worked at. The creek is Clear Creek and I am holding a grayling, one of 15 or so that i had caught that day. Notice that I am wearing jeans a water proof jacket, gloves, and a bug net over my head. The mosquitos were so bad that I had to wear this outfit every time i went fishing no matter how hot it was.
Camera: Sony NEX-3
Lens: Sony E16
ISO 200--1/125sec at f/5.6